Many of you have requested a faster and easier way to log the hours you spend on tasks in Forecast. And some you are already using 3rd. party timers and stopwatches to help keep track of your time.
So today we're are really excited to announce an all new built in task timer that will make your time registration easy, fast, and accurate.
Accuracy is the key to precise estimates
Accurate time registration is the foundation for planning successful projects. As a project manager, you know this and everyone on your team knows it as well.
Nevertheless, few people get a kick out of having to log their hours. So you wait until you absolutely have to do it. Then you have to remember which task you spent how many hours working on and set new estimates. The result being inaccurate time registration, poor estimates, and sad faces all around.
Hopefully the new built-in Task Timer will make everyone's lives less frustrating, and your time registration easy and accurate.
Here is how the Task Timer works
The all new task timer in Forecast works like a stopwatch. Start the timer, do some work, pause the timer, have a meeting, start the timer again, and resume work. Super easy.
When you stop the timer, Forecast asks you how much of the time you want to log on a specific task.
That's it. Time registration done!
We really hope you like the new task timer and we are always happy to get feedback, so we can keep improving Forecast.