Never miss a beat with finely tuned, customisable notifications.
Stay on track, stress-free with Forecast’s customisable notifications
Project status changes or assignment, task deadline warnings, when you’re mentioned in comments and task assignments.
Task description or title updates, start and end date changes, tasks being moved to other projects or sprints, files being added.
Enable in-app notifications or opt to be notified by email. Get updates immediately or have them packaged as daily or even weekly summaries.
Stay on top of invoice due dates & identify those overdue. Get notified if payment has been made or if the due date changes
The flexible nature of Forecast’s notifications offers a multitude of benefits for those overseeing project delivery. It ensures enhanced focus by delivering pertinent updates, enabling timely responses to potential issues, and promotes efficient resource allocation.
Help reduce the noise and avoid feeling overwhelmed by cutting through to what matters and have it served up in a fashion that suits you. Streamlined information contributes to successful project execution, which is why Forecast is an invaluable tool for achieving optimal project delivery.
Our notifications on project financials empower leaders responsible for project profitability. Gain real-time insights into financial changes within projects and control costs with alerts on invoices and payments.
Get the info you need to make decisions promptly, ensuring optimal project profitability and mitigated risk. Enhance financial transparency, adhere to budgets, and detect issues early to prevent disruption.
Proactively manage your entire team in real-time on one dashboard and anticipate future demand. Scope out potential project with placeholders and tentitive booking, and forecast demand based win probability.
The AI-driven platform that brings all your data together to streamline projects, resources and financials.
View all integrationsThe ultimate upgrade to delivering projects on time and on budget.
Use AI-powered timesheets to register time and build a solid foundation for accurate reporting and forecasting.
Forecast provides users with the ability to generate invoices for projects and track payments on invoices.
Enable in-app notifications or opt to be notified by email. Get updates immediately or have them packaged as daily.
Stay on top of your resources, future demand and utilization of your workforce to save time and money.
Plan out projects, determine and document the work required using phases, tasks, and deadlines, and view high-level information.
Story Points provide a relative measure of how much time and effort is required to complete an individual user story.
The ultimate upgrade to delivering projects on time and on budget.
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