The Definition of Done vs. Acceptance Criteria

By Forecast Team

In Agile, two key concepts play crucial roles in ensuring the quality and completeness of deliverables: the Definition of Done (DoD) and Acceptance Criteria.

While they may seem similar at first glance, these two elements serve distinct purposes and contribute differently to the success of a project. In this article, we explain the difference between the Definition of Done versus Acceptance Criteria.

Definition of Done (DoD)

The Definition of Done represents a set of criteria or conditions that must be met for a product increment, user story, or task to be considered complete and potentially shippable. It encapsulates the collective agreement of the team regarding the standards of quality, functionality, and readiness for delivery. The Definition of Done typically includes various aspects such as:

- Code completion and adherence to coding standards
- Unit testing and integration testing
- User interface design and usability
- Documentation, including user manuals and technical specifications
- Review and approval by stakeholders or product owners
- Deployment readiness and configuration management

The Definition of Done serves as a quality gate throughout the development process, ensuring that each increment meets the team's expectations and aligns with the project's objectives. It provides clarity and transparency regarding the team's definition of completion, fostering accountability and shared understanding among team members and stakeholders.

Acceptance Criteria

Acceptance Criteria, on the other hand, are specific conditions or requirements that a product increment, user story, or feature must satisfy to be accepted by the product owner or customer. Unlike the Definition of Done, which focuses on the completeness and quality of deliverables from the development team's perspective, Acceptance Criteria articulate the desired outcomes and functionality from the end user's perspective. Acceptance Criteria typically address:

- Functional requirements and behavior of the product
- User interactions and workflows
- Performance benchmarks and constraints
- Compatibility with existing systems or platforms
- Regulatory or compliance standards

Acceptance Criteria serve as a means of communication and validation between the development team and stakeholders, ensuring that the delivered product meets the expectations and needs of its intended users. They provide a basis for acceptance testing and validation, enabling stakeholders to assess whether the product increment fulfills its intended purpose and delivers value.

Distinguishing Between the Two

While the Definition of Done and Acceptance Criteria share the common goal of ensuring the quality and completeness of deliverables, they operate at different levels and serve distinct purposes within the development process:

  • The Definition of Done pertains to the internal standards and criteria set by the development team for completing work items and delivering product increments.
  • Acceptance Criteria focus on the external requirements and expectations defined by stakeholders or product owners regarding the functionality and usability of the product.


While the Definition of Done and Acceptance Criteria may seem similar in their pursuit of quality and completeness, they represent distinct facets of the development process.

The Definition of Done serves as an internal benchmark for the development team, ensuring that work items meet predefined standards before being considered complete.

Acceptance Criteria, on the other hand, articulate the external requirements and expectations of stakeholders, guiding the development process and validating the functionality and usability of the product from the end user's perspective. 

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